The Documentary
Parasports athletes’ stories in Tunisia are of single-minded courage and an iron will. Despite the lack of facilities locally to compete on equal terms in international paralympic games, Hania Aida and Najeh Chwaya inspire us with their grit as they tell us about their experience.
While Tunisia has made a notable presence in the Paralympics scene with its Paralympic Games debut at the 1988 Summer Paralympics in Seoul, collecting since then a total of 23 gold medals, 22 silver and 9 bronze; paralympic athletes still face countless barriers. In fact, women with disability in Tunisia are subjected to double discrimination in parasports, having a disability and being a woman. There are less women with disability across the spectrum than men and women are less prone to taking up sports.
In this edition, we celebrate the stories of two prominent paralympic athletes Hania Aidi and Najeh Chwaya, whose journeys serve as ample inspiration. From unexpected injuries to being born with a disability, these two women share the moment they realized their full potential.